

Click area-of-interest on map to generate soil information and data. Select Soil Description or Soil Fertility tabs to display relevant information.

Soil Description provides brief summaries and recommendations related to soil location, water, fertility, phosphorus retention, pH levels, physical structure, and scientific name.

Soil Fertility Data presents graphs of key soil properties related to fertility, such as carbon, nutrient, and phosphorus levels, pH, and nutrient holding capacity.

  • Blue = expected range
  • Red = average range
  • Green = target range
  • Blue/red above green = abundant
  • Blue/red within green = sufficient
  • Blue/red below green = deficient
  • n is the sample size

Map tools are located along the top of the map

  • Change Basemap switches between different geographic maps of Hawaii
  • Chang Layer Properties toggles soil order map on, off, or transparent
  • Enter city/town or street address into the Geolocator for quick positioning
  • Zoom in/out with your mouse or the +/- zoom buttons

Hawaii Soil Atlas | Geoportal by CTAHR